And was of course my fault, because another service was listening on that port. Therefore I tried to restart it without succeeding. NOTE: If your 元 Controller is available over the WAN then you need to make sure the necessary ports are open at the Controller side (minimum port 8080 for inform). In this case, you need to check if the default port is being used by a problematic program, and then set the default port for the UniFi controller application. If there are two controllers with the same hostname, it will cause conflicts and hence shutting down your old controller is important. UniFi controller: unable to start ace.jar. Unifi Port 8080 Is Used By Other Programs Startup Failed. UniFi devices should automatically re-associate with the new controller. 0 Comments Tried Running UniFi and the dang thing won’t connect.
How can the answer be improved? but I’ve seen one instance where I had to open firewall ports explicitly. Remove the zip and reboot the server: 2 rm –rf ~/. Docker run -restart always -name unifi -h unifi -p 8080:8080 … Change default port 8080 to port 8083, and remove hastag code like this.